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Pie Break!

Jan 27, 2020

Rachel and Dan talk about why they like prereleases, some new decks they're building, and what Magic creatures they'd be willing to eat

Jan 20, 2020

Do people love set review episodes? Do people hate set review episodes? There's truly no way to know for sure. Dan and Rachel both picked a handful of cards from Theros: Beyond Death that they're excited about! Some are commanders! Some are just fun! Not a lot of rules here, if the last episode's tangent about turtle...

Jan 13, 2020

This one was really all over the place but in a fun way! Rachel and Dan talk about their favorite colors and color combos to play, which somehow leads to a 10 minute tangent about turtle sex which somehow leads back to figuring out once and for all which of the five colors is the most blatantly sexual. This might be one...